Final Evaluation: UNDP ‘Improvement of Infrastructure and Support to Urban Upgrading and Socio-Economic Revitalization of northern part of Cyprus’

2011 – 2012


The evaluation covered four UNDP Partnership for the Future (PFF) programmes and seven UNDP Action for Cooperation and Trust in Cyprus (ACT). The €56 million funding covered by the evaluation was provided by the EU, the Republic of Cyprus, USAID, the Sewerage Board of Nicosia (south), and UNDP. The evaluation covered: upgrading of local urban infrastructure projects in the northern part of Cyprus; construction of a new waste water treatment plant for the city of Nicosia; improvement of the Limnitis-Kato Pyrgos road; a study of cultural heritage; preservation/ restoration of sites of cultural significance, and learning and networking activities for cultural heritage preservation involving citizens from across the island.